elam |
Elamishalliareandas Kallak |
Elam was born to a
very strangely matched couple. His father, a High Elven Magi for the Shou Empire,
was banished for practicing the Dark Arts and taking a Kwa-Shea (Elams mother) for a
mate. His mother was a full blooded Kwa-Shea Elf (Nomadic Greugach) and ex-slave of
the Shou Empire.
When Elams parents left the Shou, they set north to Wakatawa, the
plains of the Kwa-Shea and the Mogue-Ta (horse people). When they reached his
mothers people, she was very ripe with child. Her people welcomed her back
with open arms, but were wary of Elams father. He by now had changed in
appearance and had become dark elf (not drow), but he still had the look of
the High Elves of the Shou, the Kwa-Sheas enemies. But they welcomed him soon
enough. Within a month of his parents being back with the Kwa-Shea, Elam was born on
one of the hottest days of the summer. The Wu-Jen of the tribe usually bestows the
given name minutes after the child is born, and Elam was given a name which is only known
to his people, loosely translated to common as understanding the ways of the
elemental energies, or the way of things.
So, Elam grew up with the Thissdarean, one of the many tribes
within the Kwa-Shea that live upon the Wakatawa-kata-kur, and there he lived and learned
the ways of the Kwa-Shea. He was also taught the ways of the Wu-Jen, for upon birth Elam
was said to have Wu-Jen blood, but Elams father said it was the blood of his
fathers father, and it is dark and cursed as is his fathers blood. So he
was forbidden against learning the
Wu-Jen way, but not for long. Elams father became more absorbed by his dark
magic as the years went on and he actually enforced his sons Wu-Jen teaching,
beginning to tutor Elam himself. Many of the people of the tribe did not like this
and they spoke out against it. During one of the arguments, Elams father burst
into a dark rage and with his magic, he engulfed six members of the tribe in fire,
consuming them. After that, Elams father disappeared. Elam was 50 summers by
that time. After that argument, Elam decided not to learn the ways of the Wu-Jen.
By the time Elam was 75 summers, he decided to leave the Kwa-Shea
to explore the world and to find his father. He thought maybe his father had found
his way back to the Shou. So, Elam went south to explore. When he got to the Shou Empire,
he saw that he did not fit in. Although he did look like the elves of the land,
thanks to his fathers blood, he dressed like the Kwa-Shea. He was also
thankful that his father taught him the languages of the High Elves and the common spoken
by the humans of the Shou. So, Elam wandered around looking for the city he knew by the
name of Shou Lung, the Imperial City.
Early on in his travels, Elam learned a skill that helped very much in his journeys; the
art of acquiring things without paying for them. With this art he got into a little
trouble, but always got away unscathed until he was finally captured and was sentenced to
hard labor in the mines of the Imperial City. Transported to the Imperial mines
south of Shou Lung, he worked on an escape plan. He was joyed to find that they were
mining gold. and when he could, he swallowed the purest pieces he could find. He spent
several months there, planning and hoarding, until he met another prisoner. He was an elf
and a member of the thieves guild. Most importantly, he had an escape plan which
included outside help. With the success of this plan Elam was freed with his friend. So it was that Elam found Shou Lung, or it found him. He also found a new family which accepted him with open arms. The whole of the Guild were made up of Elves. There were also Kwa-Shea there. Now, up to this point, Elam never gave a real name to anyone he met, and he was not yet of the age to have a chosen name. It was not until he told the Guild members of his father, that he chose a name. It turned out the Guild knew of his father as did most of the Elven members of the city. Elam chose his name Elamishalliarenadas Kallak Thissdarean. This name was based upon his given name, his fathers name and the name of his mothers tribe. Ishalliareandas is a Kwa-Shae song about the wisdom of the wind. |
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Hed been
with the Guild for nearly 20 years, when one day the household was attacked by the Shou
royals. The Guild was all but destroyed. After the attack, Elam left the
city. For all Guild members were now marked by the Shou, and Elam was well known by
now throughout most of the imperial city. He set out North back to the
Wakatawa-Kata-Kur. After a few weeks of traveling, it was upon the plains that Elam
met his friend and teacher Kiyohara Heirazumi.
The renegade warrior became as a brother to Elam, and the young elf learned much of
himself during those days. With time's passing however came the tragic death of
Kiyohara, a tale unto itself...
Elam reached a great mountain range which took him five moons to
cross. While in the mountains, Elam came to meet other Elves and Dwarves, which
spoke to him of the great lands to the west. How greatly they differed from the
lands Elam had come from. Elam was intrigued. When he came down from the mountains,
he did not travel far before he came upon a small village near the base of the
mountain. There were Elves in the village that he was roughly able to speak
with, so here he stayed for a time. And it did not take long for Elam to grasp
a small amount of the native language, enough to get by. He became friendly with the
people, helping where he could. His smithing skills came in handy on a number of
occasions within the six moons he spent in the village. But, soon he left, his mind
too curious to be content with village life. Elam would travel this land the natives
called "Endhome".
Elam moved in a westerly direction for weeks, stopping in small settlements on the way
until coming to a village in a deep woods. It was an Elven place. While there,
Elam learned many things about this strange land. The Elves told him he had wandered into
Lindeloria, an ancient mystic forest-land. When Elam told the Elves he was a
mercenary and he was looking for a worthy cause to fight for, they told him of the
Aerie of Tir Thalor. A mighty force some called The Great
Defenders or The Throners of Kings. The Elves also told Elam of the
human warrior named Tir Thalor and his closest friend and companion Shea-ar the elf.
It appeared to Elam that this Shea-ar was more of a hero to the Elves than his human
counterpart (partly because those relating the tale were biased). Elam was told that
Shea-ar was an Elf from a far land who referred to himself as a Kwa-Shea! Elam soon
became enraptured by the tales of the heroic pair but what intrigued him most of all was
Shea-ar's origin, and how the tales mirrored his own life's wanderings. Elam now
knew his destiny. He would become one of the "Great Defenders", and rid
the world of what injustice he could. So, Elam traveled from the Elves, thanking
them for their hospitality, saying he too would soon be in the Elven stories and
It was not long until he found the Aerie. While approaching
a village in the middle of what appeared to be a festival, Elam recognized the standard of
some members of Tir Thalor. He approached them and spoke first to what looked to be
an officer, though he did not have the manner of officers Elam had dealt with in the
past. When their eyes met, a fast friendship was kindled. The officer introduced
himself as Field Marshal Granarinth Alandore. It was not long before Elam had gained
acceptance by the Aerie of Tir Thalor - just a few days in fact. It also did not
take long for the officer to see that Elam possessed unique skills in several covert
areas. Quickly proving his loyalty, it did not take much time for Elam to ascend to the
rank of Fourth Tier Field captain.
Many moons later,
Granarinth brought Elam and a few other hand picked men to a new land across the
ocean. By this time Elam was around 125 summers. Here he met more friends in a clan
called FALO, which was introduced to Elam by Granarinth. Besides meeting FALO, Elam met a
beautiful Elven woman named Willow, who he took as his mate. After a brief journey
back home over the sea, Elam and Willow returned to the FALO lands, where many new
adventures would await them. But there lie other tales...